I now present a curious case, found only in Spain, and probably particular to Cataluña. The cotehardie (or whatever your preferred terminology-personally, for the men I would favor jaqueta or jubón) is parti-colored.On one side there is a solid color. On the other, you will see plaid fabric, cut on the diagonal.

Below you will see examples (including the single female version I have found) and my only attempt to recreate this garment.

Right: The Master of Estamariu. Altarpiece of St. Vincent, Estamariu.

Second half of the 14th century


Above:When I remember where I got this, I'll let you know...

Above: Tabla de Annunciation y la Epifania, probably from the School of Sant Vincenc de Cardona (Bages). c.1360

Master Thomas Longshanks.

This garment was made for his Laurelling Ceremony. His hood and shirt were made by his LadyWife, Mistress Aelfwyn.

Master Thomas researches Medieval Catalan Cooking.

Right and Left:

School of Lattagona: Altarpiece from the
Castle of Santa Coloma de Queralt. c. 1365.

Museu d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona

(OK....the plaid IS on both sides....)
