All of these images are from 14th
Century Spain. Click on each image for a much larger
Note: Many of these artifacts have been removed from their original locations
(noted) and are now housed in various museums. |
Beginning of 14th c.
Catalan Museum of Art |
Ferrer Bassa.
Chapelle de San Michel Monestir de Pedralbes
Ferrer Bassa.
Chapelle de San Michel Monestir de Pedralbes
Ferrer Bassa.
Chapelle de San Michel Monestir de Pedralbes
St. Stephen Altarpiece
Church of Santa Maria de Gualter (Noguera)
Musuem of Catalan Art, Barcelona |
Mid-14th c.
Retable of Saint Bartholomew. |
Juan de Tarragona.
Retable of San Bartolomé.
Cathedral of Tarragona.c.1400
Juan de Tarragona.
Retable of San Bartolomé.
Cathedral of Tarragona.
Second half of 14th c.
Retable of Saint Nicholas,
Museum of Catalan Art, Barcelona
School of Lattagona: Altarpiece from the
Castle of Santa Coloma de Queralt. c. 1365.
Museum of Catalan Art, Barcelona |
Between 1360 and 1375
The Temptation of St. Anthony
from the Sant Antoni Abab Altarpiece
Musuem of Catalan Art, Barcelona
Retable of Saint Joans.
Chapel of the Castle of Queralt, Santa Coloma de Queralt (Conca de Barbera)
Museum of Catalan Art
Barcelona |
Second half of the 14th Century
Detail of Madonna and Child
Sallent de Sanaüja (Segarra)
Museum of Catalan Art
Tomb of Queen Elisende
Monestir de Pedralbes
Barcelona |
Retablo de Santa Ursula.
Maestro de la Conquisto de Mallorca.
Beginning of 14th Century
Apparatus Super Decretales
Biblioteca Capitular de Tortosa |
2nd quarter of 14th Century
Llibre dels Usastges I-Constitucions de Catalunya
Archivo Municipal de la Paeria
Terç del Crestia.
Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid
Middle of 14th Century
Llibre Verd
Axiu Historic de la Ciutat de Barcelona |
Terç del Crestia.
Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid
Between 1340 and 1350
Altarpiece of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Corpus Christi
Convent of Santa Maria de Vallbona de les Mones (Urguell)
Musuem of Catalan Art, Barcelona |
Between 1340 and 1350
Altarpiece of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Corpus Christi
Convent of Santa Maria de Vallbona de les Mones (Urguell)
Musuem of Catalan Art, Barcelona |
St. Stephen Altarpiece
Church of Santa Maria de Gualter (Noguera)
Musuem of Catalan Art, Barcelona
Between 1360 and 1275
Relief of the Miracle of St. Andrew from the St.Anthony Altarpiece.
Second half of 14th Century
Nativity scene from the Mother of God Altarpiece
Collegiate Church of Ager (Noguera)
Musuem of Catalan Art,
Birth of the Virgin
Parish Church of Tora de Riubrégos (Segarra)
Musuem of Catalan Art,
Altar Frontal
Funerary Chapel of the Ayala in Quejana (Álava)
Art Institute of Chicago |
Lluís Borassa, Altar of the Archangel Gabriel
Barcelona Cathedral
Misericordia from the Choir Stalls of the Barcelona
Cathedral |
14th-15th Centuries
Bentarique, Alemeria
Madrid Archeological Museum
14th-15th Centuries
Earrings and "Alamares" (tassels?)
Mondújar, Granada
Madrid Archeological Museum
14th-15th Centuries
Necklaces, Mondújar
Madrid Archeological Museum |
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